Source code for wefe.metrics.WEAT

import logging
import math

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple
import numpy as np

from .base_metric import BaseMetric
from ..word_embedding_model import (
from ..query import Query

[docs]class WEAT(BaseMetric): """A implementation of Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT). It measures the degree of association between two sets of target words and two sets of attribute words through a permutation test. References ---------- Aylin Caliskan, Joanna J Bryson, and Arvind Narayanan. Semantics derived automatically from language corpora contain human-like biases. Science,356(6334):183–186, 2017. """ metric_template = (2, 2) metric_name = "Word Embedding Association Test" metric_short_name = "WEAT" def _calc_s(self, w, A, B): def calc_cos_sim(a, b): return, b) / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b)) A_cosine_distance = np.array([calc_cos_sim(w, a) for a in A]) B_cosine_distance = np.array([calc_cos_sim(w, b) for b in B]) return np.mean(A_cosine_distance) - np.mean(B_cosine_distance) def _calc_effect_size(self, X, Y, A, B) -> float: first_term = np.mean(np.array([self._calc_s(x, A, B) for x in X])) second_term = np.mean(np.array([self._calc_s(y, A, B) for y in Y])) std_dev = np.std( np.array([self._calc_s(w, A, B) for w in np.concatenate((X, Y))]) ) return (first_term - second_term) / std_dev def _calc_weat(self, X, Y, A, B) -> float: first_term = np.array([self._calc_s(x, A, B) for x in X]) second_term = np.array([self._calc_s(y, A, B) for y in Y]) return np.sum(first_term) - np.sum(second_term) def _calc_p_value( self, target_embeddings: List[EmbeddingDict], attribute_embeddings: List[EmbeddingDict], original_score: float, iterations: int, method: Literal["approximate", "exact"], test_type: Literal["left-sided", "right-sided", "two-sided"], verbose: bool, ): # TODO: Add joblib or other library to palalelize this function. # TODO: Test this function # TODO: Implement exact and bootstrap methods # TODO: Refactorize this funciton to be able to work with other metrics. # maybe this function could be extended from the basemetric class. if verbose:"weat_original_result {original_score}") if method == "exact": raise NotImplementedError if method != "approximate": raise Exception( f'p value method should be "exact", "approximate"' f", got {method}." ) if test_type == "left-sided": test_function = lambda calculated, original: calculated < original elif test_type == "right-sided": test_function = lambda calculated, original: calculated > original elif test_type == "two-sided": test_function = lambda calculated, original: np.abs(calculated) > original else: raise Exception( f'p value test type should be "left-sided", "right-sided" ' f'or "two-sided", got {test_type}' ) if not isinstance(iterations, (int, float)): raise TypeError( f"p value iterations should be int instance, " f"got {iterations}." ) if not isinstance(verbose, bool): raise TypeError(f"verbose should be bool instance, got {verbose}.") # get attribute embeddings attribute_0 = list(attribute_embeddings[0].values()) attribute_1 = list(attribute_embeddings[1].values()) # generate the pool of target and attribute embeddings. target_0_dict, target_1_dict = target_embeddings pool_target_sets = {**target_0_dict, **target_1_dict} pool_target_words: List[str] = list(pool_target_sets.keys()) len_target_0 = len(target_0_dict) number_of_target_words = len(pool_target_words) total_permutations = math.factorial(number_of_target_words) runs = np.min((iterations, total_permutations)) permutations_seen: Set[Tuple] = set() if verbose: f"Number of possible total permutations: {total_permutations}. " f"Maximum iterations allowed: {runs}" ) count_pass_function = 0 while len(permutations_seen) < runs: if verbose and len(permutations_seen) % 500 == 0:"WEAT p-value: {len(permutations_seen)} / {runs} runs") permutation = tuple( np.random.choice( pool_target_words, size=number_of_target_words ).tolist() ) if permutation not in permutations_seen: X_i_words = list(permutation[0:len_target_0]) Y_i_words = list(permutation[len_target_0:]) X_i = np.array([pool_target_sets[word] for word in X_i_words]) Y_i = np.array([pool_target_sets[word] for word in Y_i_words]) curr_permutation_weat = self._calc_weat( X_i, Y_i, attribute_0, attribute_1 ) if test_function(curr_permutation_weat, original_score): count_pass_function += 1 permutations_seen.add(permutation) p_value = (count_pass_function + 1) / ( runs + 1 ) # to make p-value unbiased estimator if verbose: f"Number of runs: {runs}, Permutations that pass the test function type:" f"{count_pass_function}, p-value: {p_value}" ) return p_value
[docs] def run_query( self, query: Query, word_embedding: WordEmbeddingModel, return_effect_size: bool = False, calculate_p_value: bool = False, p_value_test_type: Literal[ "left-sided", "right-sided", "two-sided" ] = "right-sided", p_value_method: Literal["approximate", "exact"] = "approximate", p_value_iterations: int = 10000, p_value_verbose: bool = False, lost_vocabulary_threshold: float = 0.2, preprocessor_args: PreprocessorArgs = { "strip_accents": False, "lowercase": False, "preprocessor": None, }, secondary_preprocessor_args: PreprocessorArgs = None, warn_not_found_words: bool = False, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Calculate the WEAT metric over the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- query : Query A Query object that contains the target and attribute word sets to be tested. word_embedding : WordEmbeddingModel A WordEmbeddingModel object that contains a word embedding pretrained model. return_effect_size : bool, optional Specifies if the returned score in 'result' field of results dict is by default WEAT effect size metric, by default False calculate_p_value : bool, optional Specifies whether the p-value will be calculated through a permutation test. Warning: This can increase the computing time quite a lot, by default False. p_value_test_type : {'left-sided', 'right-sided', 'two-sided}, optional In case of calculating the p-value, specify the type of test to be performed. The options are 'left-sided', 'right-sided' and 'two-sided , by default 'right-sided' p_value_method : {'exact', 'approximate'}, optional In case of calculating the p-value, specify the method for calculating the p-value. This can be 'exact'and 'approximate'. by default 'approximate'. p_value_iterations : int, optional If the p-value is calculated and the chosen method is 'approximate', it specifies the number of iterations that will be performed , by default 10000. p_value_verbose : bool, optional In case of calculating the p-value, specify if notification messages will be logged during its calculation., by default False. lost_vocabulary_threshold : float, optional Specifies the proportional limit of words that any set of the query is allowed to lose when transforming its words into embeddings. In the case that any set of the query loses proportionally more words than this limit, the result values will be np.nan, by default 0.2 preprocessor_args : PreprocessorArgs, optional A dictionary with the arguments that specify how the pre-processing of the words will be done. The possible arguments for the function are: - lowercase: bool. Indicates if the words are transformed to lowercase. - strip_accents: bool, {'ascii', 'unicode'}: Specifies if the accents of the words are eliminated. The stripping type can be specified. True uses 'unicode' by default. - preprocessor: Callable. It receives a function that operates on each word. In the case of specifying a function, it overrides the default preprocessor (i.e., the previous options stop working). , by default { 'strip_accents': False, 'lowercase': False, 'preprocessor': None, } secondary_preprocessor_args : PreprocessorArgs, optional A dictionary with the arguments that specify how the secondary pre-processing of the words will be done, by default None. Indicates that in case a word is not found in the model's vocabulary (using the default preprocessor or specified in preprocessor_args), the function performs a second search for that word using the preprocessor specified in this parameter. warn_not_found_words : bool, optional Specifies if the function will warn (in the logger) the words that were not found in the model's vocabulary , by default False. Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] A dictionary with the query name, the resulting score of the metric, and the scores of WEAT and the effect size of the metric. """ # check the types of the provided arguments (only the defaults). super().run_query( query, word_embedding, lost_vocabulary_threshold, preprocessor_args, secondary_preprocessor_args, warn_not_found_words, *args, **kwargs, ) # transform query word sets into embeddings embeddings = word_embedding.get_embeddings_from_query( query=query, lost_vocabulary_threshold=lost_vocabulary_threshold, preprocessor_args=preprocessor_args, secondary_preprocessor_args=secondary_preprocessor_args, warn_not_found_words=warn_not_found_words, ) # if there is any/some set has less words than the allowed limit, # return the default value (nan) if embeddings is None: return { "query_name": query.query_name, "result": np.nan, "weat": np.nan, "effect_size": np.nan, } # get the targets and attribute sets transformed into embeddings. target_sets, attribute_sets = embeddings # get only the embeddings of the sets. target_embeddings = list(target_sets.values()) attribute_embeddings = list(attribute_sets.values()) target_0 = list(target_embeddings[0].values()) target_1 = list(target_embeddings[1].values()) attribute_0 = list(attribute_embeddings[0].values()) attribute_1 = list(attribute_embeddings[1].values()) # if the requested value is the effect size: weat_effect_size = self._calc_effect_size( target_0, target_1, attribute_0, attribute_1 ) weat = self._calc_weat(target_0, target_1, attribute_0, attribute_1) if calculate_p_value: p_value = self._calc_p_value( target_embeddings=target_embeddings, attribute_embeddings=attribute_embeddings, original_score=weat, test_type=p_value_test_type, method=p_value_method, iterations=p_value_iterations, verbose=p_value_verbose, ) else: p_value = np.nan # return in result field effect_size if return_effect_size: return { "query_name": query.query_name, "result": weat_effect_size, "weat": weat, "effect_size": weat_effect_size, "p_value": p_value, } # return in result field weat return { "query_name": query.query_name, "result": weat, "weat": weat, "effect_size": weat_effect_size, "p_value": p_value, }