
There are many ways to contribute to the library:

  • Implement new metrics.

  • Implement new mitigation methods.

  • Create more examples and use cases.

  • Help improve the documentation.

  • Create more tests.

All contributions are welcome!

Get the repository

You can download the library by running the following command

git clone

To contribute, simply create a pull request. Verify that your code is well documented, to implement unit tests and follow the PEP8 coding style.


All unit tests are located in the wefe/test folder and are based on the pytest framework. In order to run tests, you will first need to install pytest and pytest-cov:

pip install -U pytest
pip install pytest-cov

To run the tests, execute:

pytest wefe

To check the coverage, run:

py.test wefe --cov-report xml:cov.xml --cov wefe

And then:

coverage report -m

Build the documentation

The documentation is created using sphinx. It can be found in the doc folder at the project’s root folder. The documentation includes the API description and some tutorials. To compile the documentation, run the following commands:

cd doc
make html

How to implement your own metric

The following guide is intended to show how to implement a metric using WEFE. You can find a notebook version of this tutorial at the following link.

Create the class

The first step is to create the class that will contain the metric. This class must extend the BaseMetric class.

In the new class you must specify the template (explained below), the name and an abbreviated name or acronym for the metric as class variables.

A template is a tuple that defines the cardinality of the target and attribute sets of a query that can be accepted by the metric. It can take integer values, which require that the target or attribute sets have that cardinality or ‘n’ in case the metric can operate with 1 or more word sets. Note that this will indicate that all queries that do not comply with the template will be rejected when executed using this metric.

Below are some examples of templates:

# two target sets and one attribute set required to execute this metric.
template_1 = (2, 1)

# two target sets and two attribute sets required to execute this metric.
template_2 = (2, 2)

# one or more (unlimited) target sets and one attribute set required to execute this metric.
template_3 = ('n', 1)

Once the template is defined, you can create the metric according to the following code scheme:

from wefe.metrics.base_metric import BaseMetric

class ExampleMetric(BaseMetric):
    metric_template = (2, 1)
    metric_name = 'Example Metric'
    metric_short_name = 'EM'

Implement run_query method

The second step is to implement run_query method. This method is in charge of coordinating all the operations to calculate the scores from a query and the word_embedding model. It must perform 2 basic operations before executing the mathematical calculations:

Validate the parameters

This call checks the main parameters provided to the run_query and will raise an exception if it finds a problem with them.

# check the types of the provided arguments.
self._check_input(query, model)

Transform the Query to Embeddings

This call transforms all the word sets of a query into embeddings.

# transform query word sets into embeddings
embeddings = get_embeddings_from_query(

This step could return either:

  • None if any of the sets lost percentage more words than the number of words allowed by lost_vocabulary_threshold parameter (specified as percentage float). In this case the metric would be expected to return nan in its results.

# if there is any/some set has less words than the allowed limit,
# return the default value (nan)
if embeddings is None:
    return {
        "query_name": query.query_name,
        "result": np.nan,
        "metrica_default_value": np.nan,
  • A tuple otherwise. This tuple contains two values:

    • A dictionary that maps each target set name to a dictionary containing its words and embeddings.

    • A dictionary that maps each attribute set name to a dictionary containing its words and embeddings.

We can illustrate what the outputs of the previous transformation look like using the following query:

from wefe.word_embedding_model import WordEmbeddingModel
from wefe.query import Query
from wefe.utils import load_test_model # a few embeddings of WEAT experiments
from wefe.datasets.datasets import load_weat # the word sets of WEAT experiments
from wefe.preprocessing import get_embeddings_from_query

weat = load_weat()
model = load_test_model()

flowers = weat['flowers']
weapons = weat['weapons']
pleasant = weat['pleasant_5']
query = Query([flowers, weapons], [pleasant],
            ['Flowers', 'Weapons'], ['Pleasant'])

embeddings = get_embeddings_from_query(
    # other params...
target_sets, attribute_sets = embeddings

If you inspect target_sets, it would look like the following dictionary:

    'Flowers': {
        'aster': array([-0.22167969, 0.52734375, 0.01745605, ...], dtype=float32),
        'clover': array([-0.03442383, 0.19042969, -0.17089844, ...], dtype=float32),
        'hyacinth': array([-0.01391602, 0.3828125, -0.21679688, ...], dtype=float32),
    'Weapons': {
        'arrow': array([0.18164062, 0.125, -0.12792969. ...], dtype=float32),
        'club': array([-0.04907227, -0.07421875, -0.0390625, ...], dtype=float32),
        'gun': array([0.05566406, 0.15039062, 0.33398438, ...], dtype=float32),
        'missile': array([4.7874451e-04, 5.1953125e-01, -1.3809204e-03, ...], dtype=float32),

And attribute_sets would look like:

    'Pleasant': {
        'caress': array([0.2578125, -0.22167969, 0.11669922], dtype=float32),
        'freedom': array([0.26757812, -0.078125, 0.09326172], dtype=float32),
        'health': array([-0.07421875, 0.11279297, 0.09472656], dtype=float32),

The idea of keeping a mapping between set names, words and their embeddings is that there are some metrics that can calculate sub-metrics at different levels and that can be useful for further use.

Example Metric

Using the steps previously seen, a sample metric is implemented:

from typing import Any, Dict, Union, List, Callable

import numpy as np

from wefe.metrics.base_metric import BaseMetric
from wefe.query import Query
from wefe.word_embedding_model import WordEmbeddingModel

class ExampleMetric(BaseMetric):

    # replace with the parameters of your metric
    metric_template = (2, 1) # cardinalities of the targets and attributes sets that your metric will accept.
    metric_name = 'Example Metric'
    metric_short_name = 'EM'

    def run_query(
        query: Query,
        model: WordEmbeddingModel,
        lost_vocabulary_threshold: float = 0.2,
        preprocessors: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, Callable]]] = [{}],
        strategy: str = "first",
        normalize: bool = False,
        warn_not_found_words: bool = False,
        *args: Any,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Calculate the Example Metric metric over the provided parameters.

        query : Query
            A Query object that contains the target and attribute word sets to
            be tested.

        word_embedding : WordEmbeddingModel
            A WordEmbeddingModel object that contains certain word embedding
            pretrained model.

        lost_vocabulary_threshold : float, optional
            Specifies the proportional limit of words that any set of the query is
            allowed to lose when transforming its words into embeddings.
            In the case that any set of the query loses proportionally more words
            than this limit, the result values will be np.nan, by default 0.2

        preprocessors : List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, Callable]]]
            A list with preprocessor options.

            A ``preprocessor`` is a dictionary that specifies what processing(s) are
            performed on each word before it is looked up in the model vocabulary.
            For example, the ``preprocessor``
            ``{'lowecase': True, 'strip_accents': True}`` allows you to lowercase
            and remove the accent from each word before searching for them in the
            model vocabulary. Note that an empty dictionary ``{}`` indicates that no
            preprocessing is done.

            The possible options for a preprocessor are:

            *   ``lowercase``: ``bool``. Indicates that the words are transformed to
            *   ``uppercase``: ``bool``. Indicates that the words are transformed to
            *   ``titlecase``: ``bool``. Indicates that the words are transformed to
            *   ``strip_accents``: ``bool``, ``{'ascii', 'unicode'}``: Specifies that
                the accents of the words are eliminated. The stripping type can be
                specified. True uses ‘unicode’ by default.
            *   ``preprocessor``: ``Callable``. It receives a function that operates
                on each word. In the case of specifying a function, it overrides the
                default preprocessor (i.e., the previous options stop working).

            A list of preprocessor options allows searching for several
            variants of the words into the model. For example, the preprocessors
            ``[{}, {"lowercase": True, "strip_accents": True}]``
            ``{}`` allows first to search for the original words in the vocabulary of
            the model. In case some of them are not found,
            ``{"lowercase": True, "strip_accents": True}`` is executed on these words
            and then they are searched in the model vocabulary.

        strategy : str, optional
            The strategy indicates how it will use the preprocessed words: 'first' will
            include only the first transformed word found. all' will include all
            transformed words found, by default "first".

        normalize : bool, optional
            True indicates that embeddings will be normalized, by default False

        warn_not_found_words : bool, optional
            Specifies if the function will warn (in the logger)
            the words that were not found in the model's vocabulary
            , by default False.

        Dict[str, Any]
            A dictionary with the query name, the resulting score of the metric,
            and other scores.
        # check the types of the provided arguments (only the defaults).
        self._check_input(query, model)

        # transform query word sets into embeddings
        embeddings = get_embeddings_from_query(

        # if there is any/some set has less words than the allowed limit,
        # return the default value (nan)
        if embeddings is None:
            return {
                'query_name': query.query_name, # the name of the evaluated query
                'result': np.nan, # the result of the metric
                'em': np.nan, # result of the calculated metric (recommended)
                'other_metric' : np.nan, # another metric calculated (optional)
                'results_by_word' : np.nan, # if available, values by word (optional)
                # ...

        # get the targets and attribute sets transformed into embeddings.
        target_sets, attribute_sets = embeddings

        # commonly, you only will need the embeddings of the sets.
        # this can be obtained by using:
        target_embeddings = list(target_sets.values())
        attribute_embeddings = list(attribute_sets.values())

        # From here, the code can vary quite a bit depending on what you need.
        # It is recommended to calculate the metric operations in another method(s).
        results = calc_metric()

        # The final step is to return query and result.
        # You can return other scores, metrics by word or metrics by set, etc.
        return {
                'query_name': query.query_name, # the name of the evaluated query
                'result': results.metric, # the result of the metric
                'em': results.metric # result of the calculated metric (recommended)
                'other_metric' : results.other_metric # Another metric calculated (optional)
                'another_results' : results.details_by_set # if available, values by word (optional),

Implement the logic of the metric

Suppose we want to implement an extremely simple three-step metric, where:

  1. We calculate the average of all the sets,

  2. Then, calculate the cosine distance between the target set averages and the attribute average.

  3. Subtract these distances.

To do this, we create a new method :code:_calc_metric in which, using the array of embedding dict objects as input, we will implement the above.

from typing import Any, Dict, Union, List, Callable

from scipy.spatial import distance
import numpy as np

from wefe.metrics import BaseMetric
from wefe.query import Query
from wefe.word_embedding_model import WordEmbeddingModel
from wefe.preprocessing import get_embeddings_from_query

class ExampleMetric(BaseMetric):

    # replace with the parameters of your metric
    metric_template = (
        2, 1
    )  # cardinalities of the targets and attributes sets that your metric will accept.
    metric_name = 'Example Metric'
    metric_short_name = 'EM'

    def _calc_metric(self, target_embeddings, attribute_embeddings):
        """Calculates the metric.

         target_embeddings : np.array
             An array with dicts. Each dict represents an target set.
             A dict is composed with a word and its embedding as key, value respectively.
         attribute_embeddings : np.array
             An array with dicts. Each dict represents an attribute set.
             A dict is composed with a word and its embedding as key, value respectively.

             The value of the calculated metric.

        # get the embeddings from the dicts
        target_embeddings_0 = np.array(list(target_embeddings[0].values()))
        target_embeddings_1 = np.array(list(target_embeddings[1].values()))

        attribute_embeddings_0 = np.array(

        # calculate the average embedding by target and attribute set.
        target_embeddings_0_avg = np.mean(target_embeddings_0, axis=0)
        target_embeddings_1_avg = np.mean(target_embeddings_1, axis=0)
        attribute_embeddings_0_avg = np.mean(attribute_embeddings_0, axis=0)

        # calculate the distances between the target sets and the attribute set
        dist_target_0_attr = distance.cosine(target_embeddings_0_avg,
        dist_target_1_attr = distance.cosine(target_embeddings_1_avg,

        # subtract the distances
        metric_result = dist_target_0_attr - dist_target_1_attr
        return metric_result

    def run_query(
        query: Query,
        model: WordEmbeddingModel,
        lost_vocabulary_threshold: float = 0.2,
        preprocessors: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, Callable]]] = [{}],
        strategy: str = "first",
        normalize: bool = False,
        warn_not_found_words: bool = False,
        *args: Any,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Calculate the Example Metric metric over the provided parameters.

        query : Query
            A Query object that contains the target and attribute word sets to
            be tested.

        word_embedding : WordEmbeddingModel
            A WordEmbeddingModel object that contains certain word embedding
            pretrained model.

        lost_vocabulary_threshold : float, optional
            Specifies the proportional limit of words that any set of the query is
            allowed to lose when transforming its words into embeddings.
            In the case that any set of the query loses proportionally more words
            than this limit, the result values will be np.nan, by default 0.2

        preprocessors : List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool, Callable]]]
            A list with preprocessor options.

            A ``preprocessor`` is a dictionary that specifies what processing(s) are
            performed on each word before its looked up in the model vocabulary.
            For example, the ``preprocessor``
            ``{'lowecase': True, 'strip_accents': True}`` allows you to lowercase
            and remove the accent from each word before searching for them in the
            model vocabulary. Note that an empty dictionary ``{}`` indicates that no
            preprocessing is done.

            The possible options for a preprocessor are:

            *   ``lowercase``: ``bool``. Indicates that the words are transformed to
            *   ``uppercase``: ``bool``. Indicates that the words are transformed to
            *   ``titlecase``: ``bool``. Indicates that the words are transformed to
            *   ``strip_accents``: ``bool``, ``{'ascii', 'unicode'}``: Specifies that
                the accents of the words are eliminated. The stripping type can be
                specified. True uses ‘unicode’ by default.
            *   ``preprocessor``: ``Callable``. It receives a function that operates
                on each word. In the case of specifying a function, it overrides the
                default preprocessor (i.e., the previous options stop working).

            A list of preprocessor options allows searching for several
            variants of the words into the model. For example, the preprocessors
            ``[{}, {"lowercase": True, "strip_accents": True}]``
            ``{}`` allows first to search for the original words in the vocabulary of the model.
            In case some of them are not found, ``{"lowercase": True, "strip_accents": True}``
            is executed on these words and then they are searched in the model vocabulary.

        strategy : str, optional
            The strategy indicates how it will use the preprocessed words: 'first' will
            include only the first transformed word found. all' will include all
            transformed words found, by default "first".

        normalize : bool, optional
            True indicates that embeddings will be normalized, by default False

        warn_not_found_words : bool, optional
            Specifies if the function will warn (in the logger)
            the words that were not found in the model's vocabulary
            , by default False.

        Dict[str, Any]
            A dictionary with the query name, the resulting score of the metric,
            and other scores.
        # check the types of the provided arguments (only the defaults).
        self._check_input(query, model)

        # transform query word sets into embeddings
        embeddings = get_embeddings_from_query(

        # if there is any/some set has less words than the allowed limit,
        # return the default value (nan)
        if embeddings is None:
            return {
                'query_name': query.query_name, # the name of the evaluated query
                'result': np.nan, # the result of the metric
                'em': np.nan, # result of the calculated metric (recommended)
                'other_metric' : np.nan, # another metric calculated (optional)
                'results_by_word' : np.nan, # if available, values by word (optional)
                # ...

        # get the targets and attribute sets transformed into embeddings.
        target_sets, attribute_sets = embeddings

        # commonly, you only will need the embeddings of the sets.
        # this can be obtained by using:
        target_embeddings = list(target_sets.values())
        attribute_embeddings = list(attribute_sets.values())

        result = self._calc_metric(target_embeddings, attribute_embeddings)

        # return the results.
        return {"query_name": query.query_name, "result": result, 'em': result}

Now, let us try it out:

from wefe.query import Query
from wefe.utils import load_weat_w2v  # a few embeddings of WEAT experiments
from wefe.datasets.datasets import load_weat  # the word sets of WEAT experiments

weat = load_weat()
model = WordEmbeddingModel(load_weat_w2v(), 'weat_w2v', '')

flowers = weat['flowers']
weapons = weat['weapons']
pleasant = weat['pleasant_5']
query = Query([flowers, weapons], [pleasant], ['Flowers', 'Weapons'],

results = ExampleMetric().run_query(query, model)
{'query_name': 'Flowers and Weapons wrt Pleasant', 'result': -0.10210171341896057, 'em': -0.10210171341896057}

We have completely defined a new metric. Congratulations!


Some comments regarding the implementation of new metrics:

  • Note that the returned object must necessarily be a dict instance containing the result and query_name key-values. Otherwise you will not be able to run query batches using utility functions like run_queries.

  • run_query can receive additional parameters. Simply add them to the function signature. These parameters can also be used when running the metric from the run_queries utility function.

  • We recommend implementing the logic of the metric separated from the run_query function. In other words, implement the logic in a calc_your_metric function that receives the dictionaries with the necessary embeddings and parameters.

  • The file where ExampleMetric is located can be found inside the distances folder of the repository.

Mitigation Method Implementation Guide

The main idea when implementing a mitigation method is that it has to follow the logic of the transformations in scikit-learn. That is, you must separate the logic of the calculation of the mitigation transformation (fit) with the application of the transformation on the model (transform).

In practical terms, every WEFE transformation must extend the BaseDebias class. BaseDebias has two abstract methods that must be implemented: fit and transform.


fit is the method in charge of calculating the bias mitigation transformation that will be subsequently applied to the model. BaseDebias implements it as an abstract method that requires only one argument: model, which expects a WordEmbeddingModel instance.

def fit(
    model: WordEmbeddingModel,
) -> "BaseDebias":
    """Fit the transformation.

    model : WordEmbeddingModel
        The word embedding model to debias.
    raise NotImplementedError()

The idea of requesting model at this point is that the calculation of the transformation commonly requires some words from the model vocabulary.

As each bias mitigation method is different, it is expected that these can receive more parameters than those listed above. In, HardDebias, fit is defined using the default parameter model plus definitional_pairs and equalize_pairs, which are specific to HardDebias:

def fit(
    model: WordEmbeddingModel,
    definitional_pairs: Sequence[Sequence[str]],
    equalize_pairs: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]] = None,
) -> BaseDebias:
    """Compute the bias direction and obtains the equalize embedding pairs.

    model : WordEmbeddingModel
        The word embedding model to debias.
    definitional_pairs : Sequence[Sequence[str]]
        A sequence of string pairs that will be used to define the bias direction.
        For example, for the case of gender debias, this list could be [['woman',
        'man'], ['girl', 'boy'], ['she', 'he'], ['mother', 'father'], ...].
    equalize_pairs : Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]], optional
        A list with pairs of strings which will be equalized.
        In the case of passing None, the equalization will be done over the word
        pairs passed in definitional_pairs,
        by default None.
    criterion_name : Optional[str], optional
        The name of the criterion for which the debias is being executed,
        e.g. 'Gender'. This will indicate the name of the model returning transform,
        by default None

        The debias method fitted.
    self._check_sets_size(definitional_pairs, "definitional")
    self.definitional_pairs_ = definitional_pairs

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Obtain the embedding of each definitional pairs.
    if self.verbose:
        print("Obtaining definitional pairs.")
    self.definitional_pairs_embeddings_ = get_embeddings_from_sets(

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------:
    # Identify the bias subspace using the definning pairs.
    if self.verbose:
        print("Identifying the bias subspace.")

    self.pca_ = self._identify_bias_subspace(
        self.definitional_pairs_embeddings_, self.verbose,
    self.bias_direction_ = self.pca_.components_[0]
    # code was cut for simplicity.
    # you can visit the missing code in the file debias/HardDebias
    return self


Note that get_embeddings_from_sets is used to transform word sets to embeddings sets. This function, as well as the one to transform queries to embeddings, are available in the preprocessing module.

Once fit has calculated the transformation, the method should return self.


This method is intended to implement the application of the transformation calculated in fit on the embedding model. It must always receive the same 4 arguments:

  • model: The model on which the transformation will be applied

  • target: A set of words or None. If it is specified, the debias method will be performed only on the word embeddings of this set. If None is provided, the debias will be performed on all words (except those specified in ignore). by default None.

  • ignore: A set of words or None. If target is None and a set of words is specified

  • in ignore, the debias method will perform the debias in all words except those

  • specified in this set, by default None.

  • copy: If True, the debias will be performed on a copy of the model. If False, the debias will be applied on the same model delivered, causing its vectors to mutate.

def transform(
    model: WordEmbeddingModel,
    target: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ignore: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    copy: bool = True,
) -> WordEmbeddingModel:
    """Perform the debiasing method over the model provided.

    model : WordEmbeddingModel
        The word embedding model to debias.
    target : Optional[List[str]], optional
        If a set of words is specified in target, the debias method will be performed
        only on the word embeddings of this set. If `None` is provided, the
        debias will be performed on all words (except those specified in ignore).
        by default `None`.
    ignore : Optional[List[str]], optional
        If target is `None` and a set of words is specified in ignore, the debias
        method will perform the debias in all words except those specified in this
        set, by default `None`.
    copy : bool, optional
        If `True`, the debias will be performed on a copy of the model.
        If `False`, the debias will be applied on the same model delivered, causing
        its vectors to mutate.
        **WARNING:** Setting copy with `True` requires at least 2x RAM of the size
        of the model. Otherwise the execution of the debias may raise
        `MemoryError`, by default True.

        The debiased word embedding model.
    raise NotImplementedError()

As can be seen, the embeddings that will be modified by the transformation are determined by the words delivered in the target and ignore sets or the absence of both (apply on all words). The idea is that this convention is maintained during the creation of a new debias method.

Some useful initial checks and operations for this method:

  • The arguments can be checked through the _check_transform_args BaseDebias method.

  • You can also check whether the method is trained or not using the check_is_fitted method. This is a wrapper of the original scikit-learn that can be imported from the utils module.

  • In case copy argument is True, you must duplicate the model and work on the replica. It is recommended to use deepcopy of the copy module for such purposes.

The following code segment (obtained from HardDebias) shows an example of how to execute the points mentioned above:

def transform(
    model: WordEmbeddingModel,
    target: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ignore: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    copy: bool = True,
    ) -> WordEmbeddingModel:
    """Execute hard debias over the provided model.

    model : WordEmbeddingModel
        The word embedding model to debias.
    target : Optional[List[str]], optional
        If a set of words is specified in target, the debias method will be performed
        only on the word embeddings of this set. If `None` is provided, the
        debias will be performed on all words (except those specified in ignore).
        by default `None`.
    ignore : Optional[List[str]], optional
        If target is `None` and a set of words is specified in ignore, the debias
        method will perform the debias in all words except those specified in this
        set, by default `None`.
    copy : bool, optional
        If `True`, the debias will be performed on a copy of the model.
        If `False`, the debias will be applied on the same model delivered, causing
        its vectors to mutate.
        **WARNING:** Setting copy with `True` requires RAM at least 2x of the size
        of the model, otherwise the execution of the debias may raise to
        `MemoryError`, by default True.

        The debiased embedding model.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check types and if the method is fitted

        model=model, target=target, ignore=ignore, copy=copy,

    # check if the following attributes exist in the object.

    # Copy
    if copy:
            "Copy argument is True. Transform will attempt to create a copy "
            "of the original model. This may fail due to lack of memory."
        model = deepcopy(model)
        print("Model copy created successfully.")

            "copy argument is False. The execution of this method will mutate "
            "the original model."

Unfortunately it is impossible to cover much more without losing generality. However, we recommend checking the code structure shown in HardDebias or MulticlassHardDebias classes to guide you through the process of implementing a new mitigation method. You can also open an issue in the repository to comment on any questions you may have in the implementation.