Source code for wefe.word_embedding_model

"""A Word Embedding contanier based on gensim BaseKeyedVectors."""
from typing import Callable, Dict, Sequence, Union

import gensim
import numpy as np
import semantic_version

gensim_version = semantic_version.Version.coerce(gensim.__version__)
if gensim_version.major >= 4:
    from gensim.models import KeyedVectors as BaseKeyedVectors
    from gensim.models.keyedvectors import BaseKeyedVectors

EmbeddingDict = Dict[str, np.ndarray]
EmbeddingSets = Dict[str, EmbeddingDict]

[docs]class WordEmbeddingModel: """A wrapper for Word Embedding pre-trained models. It can hold gensim's KeyedVectors or gensim's api loaded models. It includes the name of the model and some vocab prefix if needed. """
[docs] def __init__( self, wv: BaseKeyedVectors, name: str = None, vocab_prefix: str = None ): """Initialize the word embedding model. Parameters ---------- wv : BaseKeyedVectors. An instance of word embedding loaded through gensim KeyedVector interface or gensim's api. name : str, optional The name of the model, by default ''. vocab_prefix : str, optional. A prefix that will be concatenated with all word in the model vocab, by default None. Raises ------ TypeError if word_embedding is not a KeyedVectors instance. TypeError if model_name is not None and not an instance of str. TypeError if vocab_prefix is not None and not an instance of str. Examples -------- >>> from gensim.test.utils import common_texts >>> from gensim.models import Word2Vec >>> from wefe.word_embedding_model import WordEmbeddingModel >>> dummy_model = Word2Vec(common_texts, window=5, ... min_count=1, workers=1).wv >>> model = WordEmbeddingModel(dummy_model, 'Dummy model dim=10', ... vocab_prefix='/en/') >>> print( Dummy model dim=10 >>> print(model.vocab_prefix) /en/ Attributes ---------- wv : BaseKeyedVectors The model. vocab : The vocabulary of the model (a dict with the words that have an associated embedding in the model). model_name : str The name of the model. vocab_prefix : str A prefix that will be concatenated with each word of the vocab of the model. """ # Type checking if not isinstance(wv, BaseKeyedVectors): raise TypeError( "wv should be an instance of gensim's BaseKeyedVectors" ", got {}.".format(wv) ) if not isinstance(name, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError("name should be a string or None, got {}.".format(name)) if not isinstance(vocab_prefix, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError( "vocab_prefix should be a string or None, got {}".format(vocab_prefix) ) # Assign the attributes self.wv = wv # Obtain the vocabulary if gensim_version.major == 4: self.vocab = wv.key_to_index else: self.vocab = wv.vocab self.vocab_prefix = vocab_prefix if name is None: = "Unnamed model" else: = name
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Check if other is the same WordEmbeddingModel that self. Parameters ---------- other : Any Some object Returns ------- bool True if other is a WordEmbeddingModel that have the same model, model_name and vocab_prefix . False in any other case """ if not isinstance(other, WordEmbeddingModel): return False if self.wv != other.wv: return False if != return False if self.vocab_prefix != other.vocab_prefix: return False return True def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """Given a word, returns its associated embedding or none if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- key : str A word Returns ------- Union[np.ndarray, None] The embedding associated with the word or none if none if the word does not exist in the model. """ if key in self.vocab: return self.wv[key] else: return None def __contains__(self, key): """Check if a word exists in the model's vocabulary. Parameters ---------- key : str Some word. Returns ------- bool True if the word exists in the model's vocabulary. """ return key in self.vocab
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalize word embeddings in the model by using the L2 norm. Use the `init_sims` function of the gensim's `KeyedVectors` class. **Warning**: This operation is inplace. In other words, it replaces the embeddings with their L2 normalized versions. """ if hasattr(self.wv, "init_sims"): self.wv.init_sims(replace=True) else: raise TypeError("The model does not have the init_sims method implemented.")
[docs] def update(self, word: str, embedding: np.ndarray): """Update the value of an embedding of the model. If the method is executed with a word that is not in the vocabulary, an exception will be raised. Parameters ---------- word : str The word whose embedding will be replaced. This word must be in the model's vocabulary. embedding : np.ndarray An embedding representing the word. It must have the same dimensions and data type as the model embeddings. Raises ------ TypeError if word is not a1 string. TypeError if embedding is not an np.array. ValueError if word is not in the model's vocabulary. ValueError if the embedding is not the same size as the size of the model's embeddings. ValueError if the dtype of the embedding values is not the same as the model's embeddings. """ if not isinstance(word, str): raise TypeError( f"word should be a string, got {word} with type {type(word)}." ) if word not in self: raise ValueError(f"word '{word}' not in model vocab.") if not isinstance(embedding, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( f"'{word}' new embedding should be a np.array," f" got {type(embedding)}." ) embedding_size = embedding.shape[0] if self.wv.vector_size != embedding_size: raise ValueError( f"The size of '{word}' embedding ({embedding_size}) is different from " f"the size of the embeddings in the model ({self.wv.vector_size})." ) if not np.issubdtype(self.wv.vectors.dtype, embedding.dtype): raise ValueError( f"embedding dtype ({embedding.dtype}) is not the same of model's dtype " f"({self.wv.vectors.dtype})." ) if gensim_version.major >= 4: word_index = self.wv.key_to_index[word] else: word_index = self.wv.vocab[word].index self.wv.vectors[word_index] = embedding
[docs] def batch_update( self, words: Sequence[str], embeddings: Union[Sequence[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], ): """Update a batch of embeddings. This method calls `update_embedding` method with each of the word-embedding pairs. All words must be in the vocabulary, otherwise an exception will be thrown. Note that both `words` and `embeddings` must have the same number of elements, otherwise the method will raise an exception. Parameters ---------- words : Sequence[str] A sequence (list, tuple or np.array) that contains the words whose representations will be updated. embeddings : Union[Sequence[np.ndarray], np.array], A sequence (list or tuple) or a np.array of embeddings or an np.array that contains all the new embeddings. The embeddings must have the same size and data type as the model. Raises ------ TypeError if words is not a list TypeError if embeddings is not an np.ndarray Exception if words collection has not the same size of the embedding array. """ if not isinstance(words, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "words argument should be a list, tuple or np.array of strings, " f"got {type(words)}." ) if not isinstance(embeddings, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "embeddings should be a list, tuple or np.array, " f"got: {type(embeddings)}" ) if len(words) != len(embeddings): raise ValueError( "words and embeddings must have the same size, got: " f"len(words) = {len(words)}, len(embeddings) = {len(embeddings)}" ) for idx, word in enumerate(words): self.update(word, embeddings[idx])