Source code for wefe.debias.hard_debias

"""Hard Debias WEFE implementation."""
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from tqdm import tqdm
from wefe.debias.base_debias import BaseDebias
from wefe.preprocessing import get_embeddings_from_sets
from wefe.utils import check_is_fitted
from wefe.word_embedding_model import EmbeddingDict, WordEmbeddingModel

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HardDebias(BaseDebias): """Hard Debias debiasing method. This method allow reducing the bias of an embedding model through geometric operations between embeddings. This method is binary because it only allows 2 classes of the same bias criterion, such as male or female. For a multiclass debias (such as for Latinos, Asians and Whites), it is recommended to visit MulticlassHardDebias class. The main idea of this method is: 1. **Identify a bias subspace through the defining sets.** In the case of gender, these could be e.g. `{'woman', 'man'}, {'she', 'he'}, ...` 2. **Neutralize the bias subspace of embeddings that should not be biased.** First, it is defined a set of words that are correct to be related to the bias criterion: the *criterion specific gender words*. For example, in the case of gender, *gender specific* words are: `{'he', 'his', 'He', 'her', 'she', 'him', 'him', 'She', 'man', 'women', 'men'...}`. Then, it is defined that all words outside this set should have no relation to the bias criterion and thus have the possibility of being biased. (e.g. for the case of gender: `{doctor, nurse, ...}`). Therefore, this set of words is neutralized with respect to the bias subspace found in the previous step. The neutralization is carried out under the following operation: - u : embedding - v : bias direction First calculate the projection of the embedding on the bias subspace. - bias_subspace = v • (v • u) / (v • v) Then subtract the projection from the embedding. - u' = u - bias_subspace 3. **Equalizate the embeddings with respect to the bias direction.**. Given an equalization set (set of word pairs such as [she, he], [men, women], ..., but not limited to the definitional set) this step executes, for each pair, an equalization with respect to the bias direction. That is, it takes both embeddings of the pair and distributes them at the same distance from the bias direction, such that neither is closer to the bias direction than the other. References ---------- | [1]: Bolukbasi, T., Chang, K. W., Zou, J. Y., Saligrama, V., & Kalai, A. T. (2016). | Man is to computer programmer as woman is to homemaker? debiasing word embeddings. | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. | [2]: """ name = "Hard Debias" short_name = "HD"
[docs] def __init__( self, pca_args: Dict[str, Any] = {"n_components": 10}, verbose: bool = False, criterion_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a Hard Debias instance. Parameters ---------- pca_args : Dict[str, Any], optional Arguments for the PCA that is calculated internally in the identification of the bias subspace, by default {"n_components": 10} verbose : bool, optional True will print informative messages about the debiasing process, by default False. criterion_name : Optional[str], optional The name of the criterion for which the debias is being executed, e.g., 'Gender'. This will indicate the name of the model returning transform, by default None """ # check verbose if not isinstance(verbose, bool): raise TypeError(f"verbose should be a bool, got {verbose}.") self.pca_args = pca_args self.verbose = verbose if criterion_name is None or isinstance(criterion_name, str): self.criterion_name_ = criterion_name else: raise ValueError(f"criterion_name should be str, got: {criterion_name}")
def _check_sets_size( self, sets: Sequence[Sequence[str]], set_name: str, ): for idx, set_ in enumerate(sets): if len(set_) != 2: adverb = "less" if len(set_) < 2 else "more" raise ValueError( f"The {set_name} pair at position {idx} ({set_}) has {adverb} " f"words than allowed by {}: " f"got {len(set_)} words, expected 2." ) def _identify_bias_subspace( self, definning_pairs_embeddings: List[EmbeddingDict], verbose: bool = False, ) -> PCA: matrix = [] for embedding_dict_pair in definning_pairs_embeddings: # Get the center of the current definning pair. pair_embeddings = np.array(list(embedding_dict_pair.values())) center = np.mean(pair_embeddings, axis=0) # For each word, embedding in the definning pair: for embedding in embedding_dict_pair.values(): # Substract the center of the pair to the embedding matrix.append(embedding - center) matrix = np.array(matrix) # type: ignore pca = PCA(**self.pca_args) if verbose: explained_variance = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ print(f"PCA variance explained: {explained_variance[0:pca.n_components_]}") return pca def _drop(self, u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Neutralize the bias of an embedding. Idea: First calculate the projection of the embedding on the bias subspace. - bias_subspace = v • (v • u) / (v • v) Then subtract the projection from the embedding. - u' = u - bias_subspace Note that this operation does not return the normalized embedding. Parameters ---------- u : np.ndarray A embedding. v : np.ndarray A vector that represents the bias subspace. Returns ------- np.ndarray A neutralized embedding. """ return u - v * / def _neutralize( self, model: WordEmbeddingModel, bias_direction: np.ndarray, target: Optional[List[str]], ignore: Optional[List[str]], ): if target is not None: target_ = set(target) else: target_ = set(model.vocab.keys()) if ignore is not None and target is None: ignore_ = set(ignore) else: ignore_ = set() for word in tqdm(target_): if word not in ignore_ and word in model.vocab: current_embedding = model[word] neutralized_embedding = self._drop( current_embedding, bias_direction # type: ignore ) neutralized_embedding = neutralized_embedding.astype(np.float32) model.update(word, neutralized_embedding) def _equalize( self, embedding_model: WordEmbeddingModel, equalize_pairs_embeddings: List[EmbeddingDict], bias_direction: np.ndarray, ): for equalize_pair_embeddings in equalize_pairs_embeddings: if ( isinstance(equalize_pair_embeddings, dict) and len(equalize_pair_embeddings) == 2 ): ( (word_a, embedding_a), (word_b, embedding_b,), ) = equalize_pair_embeddings.items() y = self._drop((embedding_a + embedding_b) / 2, bias_direction) z = np.sqrt(1 - np.linalg.norm(y) ** 2) if (embedding_a - embedding_b).dot(bias_direction) < 0: z = -z new_a = z * bias_direction + y new_b = -z * bias_direction + y # Update the embedding set with the equalized embeddings embedding_model.update(word_a, new_a.astype(np.float32)) embedding_model.update(word_b, new_b.astype(np.float32))
[docs] def fit( self, model: WordEmbeddingModel, definitional_pairs: Sequence[Sequence[str]], equalize_pairs: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]] = None, **fit_params, ) -> BaseDebias: """Compute the bias direction and obtains the equalize embedding pairs. Parameters ---------- model : WordEmbeddingModel The word embedding model to debias. definitional_pairs : Sequence[Sequence[str]] A sequence of string pairs that will be used to define the bias direction. For example, for the case of gender debias, this list could be [['woman', 'man'], ['girl', 'boy'], ['she', 'he'], ['mother', 'father'], ...]. equalize_pairs : Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]], optional A list with pairs of strings, which will be equalized. In the case of passing None, the equalization will be done over the word pairs passed in definitional_pairs, by default None. Returns ------- BaseDebias The debias method fitted. """ # Check arguments types self._check_sets_size(definitional_pairs, "definitional") self.definitional_pairs_ = definitional_pairs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Obtain the embedding of each definitional pairs. if self.verbose: print("Obtaining definitional pairs.") self.definitional_pairs_embeddings_ = get_embeddings_from_sets( model=model, sets=definitional_pairs, sets_name="definitional", warn_lost_sets=self.verbose, normalize=True, verbose=self.verbose, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------: # Identify the bias subspace using the definning pairs. if self.verbose: print("Identifying the bias subspace.") self.pca_ = self._identify_bias_subspace( self.definitional_pairs_embeddings_, self.verbose, ) self.bias_direction_ = self.pca_.components_[0] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------: # Obtain the equalization pairs. # if equalize pairs are none, set the definitional pairs as the pairs # to equalize. if equalize_pairs is None: self.equalize_pairs_ = self.definitional_pairs_ else: self.equalize_pairs_ = equalize_pairs self._check_sets_size(self.equalize_pairs_, "equalize") # Get the equalization pairs candidates if self.verbose: print( "Obtaining equalize pairs candidates by creating " "pairs with lower(), title() and upper()" ) self.equalize_pairs_candidates_ = [ x for e1, e2 in self.equalize_pairs_ for x in [ (e1.lower(), e2.lower()), (e1.title(), e2.title()), (e1.upper(), e2.upper()), ] ] # Obtain the equalization pairs embeddings candidates self.equalize_pairs_embeddings_ = get_embeddings_from_sets( model=model, sets=self.equalize_pairs_candidates_, sets_name="equalize", warn_lost_sets=self.verbose, normalize=True, verbose=self.verbose, ) return self
[docs] def transform( self, model: WordEmbeddingModel, target: Optional[List[str]] = None, ignore: Optional[List[str]] = None, copy: bool = True, ) -> WordEmbeddingModel: """Execute hard debias over the provided model. Parameters ---------- model : WordEmbeddingModel The word embedding model to debias. target : Optional[List[str]], optional If a set of words is specified in target, the debias method will be performed only on the word embeddings of this set. If `None` is provided, the debias will be performed on all words (except those specified in ignore). by default `None`. ignore : Optional[List[str]], optional If target is `None` and a set of words is specified in ignore, the debias method will perform the debias in all words except those specified in this set, by default `None`. copy : bool, optional If `True`, the debias will be performed on a copy of the model. If `False`, the debias will be applied on the same model delivered, causing its vectors to mutate. **WARNING:** Setting copy with `True` requires RAM at least 2x of the size of the model, otherwise the execution of the debias may give rise to `MemoryError`, by default True. Returns ------- WordEmbeddingModel The debiased embedding model. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check types and if the method is fitted self._check_transform_args( model=model, target=target, ignore=ignore, copy=copy, ) # check if the following attributes exist in the object. check_is_fitted( self, [ "definitional_pairs_", "definitional_pairs_embeddings_", "pca_", "bias_direction_", ], ) if self.verbose: print(f"Executing Hard Debias on {}") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copy if copy: print( "Copy argument is True. Transform will attempt to create a copy " "of the original model. This may fail due to lack of memory." ) model = deepcopy(model) print("Model copy created successfully.") else: print( "copy argument is False. The execution of this method will mutate " "the original model." ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Execute Neutralization # Normalize embeddings if self.verbose: print("Normalizing embeddings.") model.normalize() # Neutralize the embeddings: if self.verbose: print("Neutralizing embeddings") self._neutralize( model=model, bias_direction=self.bias_direction_, target=target, ignore=ignore, ) if self.verbose: print("Normalizing embeddings.") model.normalize() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Execute Equalization: if self.verbose: print("Equalizing embeddings.") self._equalize( model, self.equalize_pairs_embeddings_, self.bias_direction_, ) if self.verbose: print("Normalizing embeddings.") model.normalize() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Generate the new KeyedVectors if self.criterion_name_ is None: new_model_name = f"{}_debiased" else: new_model_name = f"{}_{self.criterion_name_}_debiased" = new_model_name if self.verbose: print("Done!") return model